You can now access the new EfL family app.
Firstly, download The Evidence for learning family app from the App Store or Play Store.
On the Sign in page:
Domain = evergreen
Username = this will be emailed to you, once I have received your information
Password = this will be emailed to you, once I have received your information
Once logged in you can change your password by clicking on the more > profile settings > change password.
To view evidence, either tap Evidence at the bottom of the page or tap the evidence icon on the home screen.
From there you can choose tile view or journal view and add comments to existing evidence.
If you only have one child at Evergreen, tap the child icon then tap your child’s name and tap done. By doing this, you will not need to select a learner when capturing evidence.
Please try out the app we would appreciate your feedback in a few weeks once you are more familiar with the app, however if you encounter any problems or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Claire Onions
Assistant Head Assessment and Progress