The SEN Information Report is a requirement under the Children’s and Families Act 2014 and will be updated annually by the school in order to reflect any changes that have taken place or are planned to take place. It is intended as a response to specific questions identified within the Act and should be read in conjunction with additional information available on the school’s website such as the Equalities Policy and Accessibility Plan. If you have any further questions or would like to seek clarification with regard to the content of this document then please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
Phone: 01388 459721
The report states the current provision within Evergreen Primary School.
Evergreen Primary School is a maintained day special school for children aged 2-11 years. Children will be provided with a personalised and appropriately paced and differentiated curriculum which has three pathways Roots for Learning, Foundations for the National Curriculum and Adapted National Curriculum. Other frameworks used are SCERTS for those children who have ASC and Quest for those children who have PMLD.
At Evergreen School the pupil’s identified needs will be significant and often complex in the area of cognition and learning including moderate and severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning difficulties as described in the SEN Code of Practice. The pupils may also have associated needs in the areas of emotional/social and communication and interaction such as autistic spectrum condition and/or speech and language difficulties. In addition, pupils may have sensory or physical difficulties. The admission arrangements for our pupils can be found within SEND area of our website. Admission comes via the EHCP process as determined by the Local Authority.
More detail on the curriculum and our commitment to high quality educational provision for all our children is detailed in the School Curriculum area of our website.
All pupils at Evergreen school have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and as such have completed a wide range of assessments.
All pupils/students attending Evergreen Primary School will have an EHC Plan. Provision is personalised for each pupil as set out in their plan. We provide provision for pupils who have a wide range of SEND needs including MLD, SLD, PMLD and or ASC.
Our School is a place where everyone is treated with dignity, with respect and is of equal worth.
Our vision is Inspire Enjoy Achieve
Our mission is that children will receive an innovative, exciting education in a safe, happy and caring learning environment.
Our key purpose is to deliver and constantly improve quality learning experiences appropriate to the needs of all our pupils.
We aim to:
We Value
Further details of all areas of our school are available on our website. The school offer for SEND became active in September 2014 and is updated regularly to ensure information is correct.
All staff have a responsibility to meet the needs of all the pupils/students at Evergreen Primary School. The school contact details are available on the website where you will be able to access senior management or your child’s class teacher.
Staffing levels are enhanced so that pupils are usually taught in classes of up to 12 with a teacher and at least one teaching assistant (TA) and an appropriate number of health, care and education assistants (HCEAs) to meet the needs of the class group.
The school receives advice and support from a range of health professionals, working in partnership with them, in order to meet the needs of our pupils. We are working closely with the LA and our health and social care colleagues to ensure that SEN Code of Practice is fully implemented. We will continue to work closely with parents/carers and keep them informed of the changes and next steps for their families.
All staff have clear job descriptions which detail the required qualifications for each post in school. All staff have a core training programme related to their work as a teacher, teaching assistant or HCEA. Individual Development needs are assessed and reviewed through performance management procedures and individual training needs identified. Continuous Professional Development in SEN is supported by targeted in-service training and attendance on courses. We recognise and value the vast amount of knowledge and skills held by our own staff and strive to promote the use of peer collaboration as a means of staff development. The long term well-being of the pupils is of paramount concern and training in medical needs, safeguarding, first aid, team teach and Midas is kept up to date. We have an induction program for new staff to ensure they are aware of policies, procedures and guidelines.
Evergreen School is a purpose built building and is fully accessible for wheelchair users being on one level. In other community areas, such as the hydrotherapy pool, there are hoists available.
A wide range of equipment and facilities are provided for the children in response to their different needs to support them physically and enable them to access their learning and the curriculum.
All parents and families are welcome to visit the school prior to their child or young person attending the school to see what is available.
At Evergreen Primary School parents are fully included in the process of working with their children/young adults.
This includes:
All children and young people in our school are treated with dignity and respect. There is full personalisation for the curriculum for each pupil/student in order that they can access and experience success through-out their school life.
The School Council involves students to contribute and decide on aspects of school life relating to their needs.
The assessment and annual review process of statements of SEN and EHC Plans includes the choices and views of pupils/student.
Pupil questionnaires are completed annually. Staff work hard to ensure every child has a voice and express themselves. Where appropriate staff who know pupils well may advocate for them.
The process for all complaints is made available in office or the website and is updated each year.
We have a wide range of staff working together within the school to support the children, young people and their families. Some are employed directly by the School, others have different lines of management.
Classroom staff are employed directly by the school. This includes teachers, teaching assistants and Health, Care and Education Assistants. Admin staff are also school employees.
Other professionals work for a range of agencies – some are based within the school, others have office bases elsewhere and work in school on particular days or as necessary.
School Nurses, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, LDCAMHS team and Physiotherapists are employees of the NHS. All these professionals work within school training staff, advising staff, working with children and young people.
The SEND Inclusion Service staff – advisory teachers - are employed by the Local Authority, not the school, and are within the Children Specialist Services team. They work with individual children and provide advice on individual children's needs.
Transport to school is organised by the Local Authority not the school. Transport staff are employed by the transport companies.
There are social workers for children/young people with disabilities who are Local Authority Employees and are based within the Children Specialist Services.
All contact numbers for support services, described above, are available from the school office. If you have a query relating to these areas it is best to contact the professionals directly. This will ensure that your message/queries/concerns are dealt with in the most efficient way.
All transitions are well planned for through-out school as children and students move from class to class and phase to phase. Parents/carers always have the opportunity to meet the new teacher and class staff.
Students are increasingly supported in planning for their transition from primary to secondary school. Transition programmes are set up for pupils depending on their needs. Staff from The Oaks and other secondary schools visit and work with pupils in school to get to know them and Evergreen staff accompany pupils on transition visits
There is further detail on our website on our own school offer for SEND and this links to the Local Offer.
If you have any queries or requests for policies or information relating to this report please contact the Head of School – Judith Benson – 01388 459721