Covid-19 Guidance

20 Mar - 2020
By: webmaster

Dear Parents/Carers,


For some pupils, today will be their last day at school for some time.  We’d like to thank you all for your support.


Evergreen will remain open for some pupils from Monday.  However, the latest government advice states


“The most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread of COVID-19 is clear. If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.


That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.


It is important to underline that schools, colleges and other educational establishments remain safe places for children. But the fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society”


Unless you have had a letter informing you that your child has been risk assessed by the school as being vulnerable and at risk due to underlying health conditions, they may come to school.  Similarly if you are classed as a “key worker”, your child may attend school.


However, we would urge those of you who can safely do so to keep your child at home to prevent spread of the virus.  This will not affect their attendance record and will not be followed up by school or the local authority.


Thank you all again. We look forward to the future when all of our pupils are safely back with us.

Yours sincerely

Judith Benson

Head of School

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