Dear Parents/Carers
Special schools have received updated guidance from the Director of Education relating to keeping our most vulnerable learners at home.
The guidance is:
Obviously there are a lot of young people at Evergreen who have significant health and medical needs. School staff will consider this tomorrow and contact parents/carers who have children in this category to suggest that they stay at home after the weekend, or sooner if parents prefer.
Evergreen will remain open to pupils as long as we are able to provide enough appropriate staffing. We will keep you up to date with any further information we receive.
Parents/carers may choose to keep their children at home and this decision will be accepted until we receive any further guidance.
Yours sincerely
Judith Benson
Head of School
If you have any queries contact:
Judith Benson: Head of School
Martyn Tweddle: Executive Head Teacher
Telephone: 01388 459721
Please contact the office should you require paper copies of any documents on the website.
Evergreen Primary School,
Bishop Auckland,
DL14 6LS